Monday, March 28, 2011

Let's give this a try...

I love movies. Like I really love movies. A perfect lazy day to me is picking out a good 5 or 6 flicks and just kickin' back all day. Don't get me wrong, I definately enjoy getting outside and doing things with friends but I live in one of the rainiest places in the country. When it's miserable outside, I prefer to stay inside and why be bored? I also enjoy watching flicks on my laptop snuggled up in bed when I'm not feeling well or I can't sleep. These days you can subscribe to movie services that give you access just about everywhere; computers, televisions, even your phone. Going to the gym is even more of a bonus now thanks to my phone and the Netflix app. Time flies when you have something to absorb your brain in.

Ever since I can remember movies have been a part of life. I remember my folks making a big deal about every Golden Goble and Oscar Awards. I can remember who won what and what year for way too many movies. My folks always have been big on celebrity pop culture and therefore I must have inheirited that love. I follow all the celebrity news and read up on all the upcoming movie (and tv) information. Some would probably consider it a sick obsession but for me, it's just a hobby and it's something that I just unwind to after a days work or school.

I have a great deal of admiration for an actor. I like to follow certain actors and analyze the roles they play in each move. How each are different and how the actor has to morph to play each part. It's fascinating to me. I've always found people in general fascinating so for someone to be able to change themselves like that is just incredible to me. I have a very broad taste in film genres and enjoy watching the extrememly good to the ridiculously bad (to a point). I'm not big on action but I can appreciate a unique and well acted film in any genre.

I enjoy discussing movies nearly as much as I love watching films. Over the last few years, I have seen most of the very popular films that have been out as well as a great deal of the independent films. I love to have conversations with people about what movies they have seen or what actors they enjoy. People seem to come to me for suggestions or to ask who was it what movie or what film had what plot. I love to share my thoughts and opinions about films. I watch enough movies it makes sense.

My friends at work always get a kick out of all the movies I have seen and the information I can give them about actors, plots, and specific films. We were all talking and they started talking about how I should be a movie critic. I have always thought that would be a fun job but I am a bit self conscious about my writing style as I didn't major in writing and don't have much experience other then the papers that years in college required. I thought about it though and they kept mentioning it so I just decided to give it a shot.

So here I am, starting this whole movie blog review thing. I can't promise how good it is going to be as I am not a professional writer and am just giving my honest opinions here, in the best way I can. I do welcome constructive critisism and I think it would be fun to get others opinions as well so I encourage comments. I will try to remember to update this as much as I can with my school and work schedule. I think this will be a fun release for me though so maybe I'll be logging in more then I think. We'll see. I have several movies that I want to see upcoming and maybe I can write a thing or two about them.

I also want to try to include some upcoming movie news, as it becomes available. I obviously will not be reporting any exclusives, but just passing on information that will already have been on the internet. I check way to many film and celebrity sites :)

I hope to have fun with this. I also hope whoever reads this enjoys it. So....let's roll!

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